Skuas and Jaegers
- Stercorarius chilensis (Chilean Skua)
- Stercorarius maccormicki (South Polar Skua)
- Stercorarius antarcticus (Subantarctic Skua)
- Stercorarius skua (Great Skua)
- Stercorarius pomarinus (Pomarine Skua)
- Stercorarius parasiticus (Parasitic Jaeger)
- Stercorarius longicaudus (Long-tailed Jaeger)
Andersson, M. 1999. Hybridization and skua phylogeny. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B 266(1428):1579-1585.
Andersson, M. 1999. Phylogeny, behaviour, plumage evolution and neoteny in skuas Stercorariidae. Journal of Avian Biology 30(2):205-215.
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Cohen, B.L., A.J. Baker, K. Blechschmidt, D.L. Dittmann, R.W. Furness, J.A. Gerwin, A.J. Helbig, J. de Korte, H.D. Marshall, R.L. Palma, H.-U. Peter, R. Ramli, I. Seibold, M.S. Willcox, R.H. Wilson, and R.M. Zink. 1997. Enigmatic phylogeny of skuas (Aves: Stercorariidae). Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 264:181-190.
Devillers, P. 1977. The skuas of the North American Pacific coast. Auk 94: 417-429.
Devillers, P. 1978. Distribution and relationships of South American skuas. Le Gerfaut 68: 374-417.
Furness, R.W. 1987. The Skuas. T & AD Poyser Ltd., Town Head House, Calton, Waterhouses, Staffordshire.
Furness, R.W. 1996. Family Stercorariidae (Skuas). Pages 556-571 in del Hoyo, J., Elliott, A., & Sargatal, J., eds. Handbook of the Birds of the World. Vol. 3. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
Olsen, K. M. and H. Larsson. 1995. Skuas and Jaegers: A Guide to the Skuas and Jaegers of the World. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Parmelee, D.F. 1988. The hybrid skua: a southern ocean enigma, Wilson Bull. 100:345–356.
Ritz, M. S., C. Millar, G. D. Miller, R. A. Phillips, P. Ryan, V. Sternkopf, D. Liebers-Helbig, and H.-U. Peter. 2008. Phylogeography of the southern skua complex—rapid colonization of the southern hemisphere during a glacial period and reticulate evolution. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49(1):292-303.
Ritz, M.S., S. Hahn, T. Janicke and H.-U. Peter. 2006. Hybridisation between South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki) and Brown Skua (C. antarctica lonnbergi) in the Antarctic Peninsula region. Polar Biol. 29:153–159.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Stercorarius skua |
Location | Auster-Skaftafellssysla, Iceland |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Great Skua - Catharacta skua - Skúmur |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2006 Ómar Runólfsson |
Scientific Name | Stercorarius |
Location | Antarctica |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Skua landing |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2005 robert bingham |
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Stercorariidae. Stercorarius. Skuas and Jaegers.
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- First online 24 June 2008
- Content changed 24 June 2008
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