Andrew V. Z. Brower- Calisto (incertae sedis)
- south temperate Pronophilina clade
- Elina
- Quilaphoetosus
- Auca
- Chillanella
- Cosmosatyrus
- Etcheverrius
- Argyrophorus
- Pampasatyrus
- Punargentus (incertae sedis)
- Neosatyrus
- Homeonympha
- Nelia
- Faunula
- Haywardella (incertae sedis)
- Neomaenas (incertae sedis)
- Palmaris (incertae sedis)
- Pamperis (incertae sedis)
- Spinantenna (incertae sedis)
- Tetraphlebia germainii (incertae sedis)
- 'erebiine' clade
- Idioneurula
- Ianussiusa
- Lymanopoda
- Manerebia
- Steroma
- Steremnia
- Sierrasteroma (incertae sedis)
- Stuardosatyrus (incertae sedis)
- Sabatoga mirabilis (incertae sedis)
- Diaphanos (incertae sedis)
- Neomaniola (incertae sedis)
- Eretris
- Pronophila clade
- Pseudomaniola
- Apexacuta
- Lasiophila
- Proboscis
- Mygona
- Oxeoschistus
- Cheimas (incertae sedis)
- Pronophila
- Arhuaco (incertae sedis)
- Corades
- Daedalma
- Junea
- Druphila (incertae sedis)
- Foetterleia
- Eteona
- Praepronophila (incertae sedis)
- Thiemeia (incertae sedis)
- Drucina (incertae sedis)
- Dangond dangondi (incertae sedis)
- Pedaliodes s. l. clade
- Praepedaliodes
- Parapedaliodes
- Punapedaliodes
- Pedaliodes
- Panyapedaliodes
- Corderopedaliodes (incertae sedis)
- Altopedaliodes (incertae sedis)
- Antopedaliodes (incertae sedis)
- Steromapedaliodes (incertae sedis)
- Protopedaliodes (incertae sedis)
- Pherepedaliodes (incertae sedis)
- Physcopedaliodes (incertae sedis)
- Paramo (incertae sedis)
- Neopedaliodes (incertae sedis)
- Redonda (incertae sedis)
A large neotropical clade of grass and bamboo-feeding satyrines. There are several apparent subclades–a south-temperate group of genera, and three mainly Andean clades with their main diversity occurring above 2000 m. Many species remain undescribed.
The informal name of the "erebiine" clade is derived from the hypothesis of Viloria (2003; 2007) and Lamas & Viloria (2004) that a group of taxa formerly included in Pronophilina (e. g. Miller 1968) is more closely-related to the holarctic Erebiina. The cladogram of Peña et al. (2006) and unpublished data (Brower, Wahlberg) do not support that hypothesis, but do support these taxa as a monophyletic group within Pronophilina.Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships
The list of included genera is inferred from relationships implied by the molecular phylogenetic hypothesis of Peña et al. (2006). However, the circumscription of Pronophilina has been viewed more narrowly by Viloria (2007) and Lamas et al. (in Lamas 2004), to include only the primarily Andean genera plus the Antillean Calisto, based on the presence of hairy eyes and two wing venation characters. These authors place the "Lymanopoda group" in Erebiina and the south temperate clade in Hypocystina (Coenonymphina in this classification). However, the molecular data do not support these hypotheses. More extensive sampling is needed to increase support for one or the other of these alternatives.
Adams MJ, and Bernard GI. 1977. Pronophiline butterflies (Satyridae) of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Syst. Ent. 2: 263-281.
Forster W. 1964. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna Boliviens. XIX. Einleitung Lepidoptera III. Satyridae. Veröffentlichungen der zoologischen Staatsammlung München 3: 81-160, plates 25-33.
Hayward KJ. 1953. Satiridos Argentinos (Lep. Rhop. Satyridae) I. Los generos (excluido Euptychia y Neomaniola). Acta Zool. Lilloana 13: 151-159.
Hayward KJ. 1958. Satiridos Argentinos (Lep. Rhop. Satyridae) II. Los géneros (continuación). Acta Zool. Lilloana 15: 161-182.
Lamas G and Viloria A. subtribe Erebiina. in Lamas G ed. 2004. Checklist: Part 4A Hesperioidea - Papiionoidea. Gainesville: Scientific Publishers/Association of Tropical Lepidoptera.
Miller LD. 1968. The higher classification, phylogeny and zoogeography of the Satyridae (Lepidoptera). Mem. Amer. Entomol. Soc. 24: 1-174.
Peña C, Wahlberg N, Weingartner E, Kodandaramaiah U, Nylin S, Freitas AVL, and Brower AVZ. 2006. Higher level phylogeny of Satyrinae butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) based on DNA sequence data. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 40: 29-49.
Pyrcz TW. 1995. A new genus, Tamania, and a new species, Tamania jacquelinae, from the Tama Range, Venezuela Colombia border, and some thoughts on the diagnosis of the tribe Pronophilini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). Lambillionea 95: 519-525.
Peña, C., N. Wahlberg, E. Weingartner, U. Kodandaramaiah, S. Nylin, A.V.L. Freitas & A.V.Z. Brower. 2006. Higher level phylogeny of Satyrinae butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) based on DNA sequence data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 40(1): 29-49.
Thieme O. 1905. Monographie der Gattung Pedaliodes Butl. (Lepidoptera Rhopalocera. Satyridae). Berl. Entom. Zeitschr. 49: 43-141, plates 1-3.
Thieme O. 1907. Monographische bearbeitung der Gattungen Lasiophila Felder, Daedalma Hew., Catargynnis Röber, Oxeoschistus Butl., Pronophila Westw., Corades Doubl. Hew. (Lepidoptera Rhopalocera. Satyridae). Berl. Ent. zeit. 51: 99-234, plates 3-5.
Viloria AL. 2003. Historical biogeography and the origins of the satyrine butterflies of the Tropical Andes (Insecta: Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera). In: Morrone JJ and Llorente-Bousquets J, eds. Una perspectiva latinoamericana de la biogeografía. México, D. F.: Las Prensas de Ciencias, Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM. 247-261.
Viloria, A. L. 2007 (2004) Some Gondwanan and Laurasian elements in the satyrine fauna of South America. Trop. Lepid. 15, 53-55.
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | Corades medeba |
Location | Cock of the Rock Lodge, Manu, Peru |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Medeba Satyr |
Source Collection | Neotropical Butterflies |
Copyright | © 2004 Kim Garwood |
Scientific Name | Lymanopoda obsoleta |
Location | Peru: Parque Nacional Bahuaja Sonene |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Identified By | Edwin Bellota |
Life Cycle Stage | adults |
View | ventral |
Source | A por sal: Lymanopoda obsoleta |
Source Collection | Flickr |
Image Use |
![]() |
Copyright | © 2007 Edwin Bellota |
Scientific Name | Oxeoschistus puerta |
Location | Cana Field Station, Darien, Panama |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Sex | Male |
Source | Puerta Satyr |
Source Collection | Neotropical Butterflies |
Copyright | © 2003 Will and Gill Carter |
Scientific Name | Eretris subpunctata |
Location | Pampa Hermosa Lodge, Chanchamayo Valley, Peru |
Specimen Condition | Live Specimen |
Source | Subpuntata Satyr |
Source Collection | Neotropical Butterflies |
Copyright | © 2005 Kim Garwood |
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Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
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Authored by
. Andrew V. Z. Brower.
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- First online 29 October 2006
- Content changed 08 May 2011
Citing this page:
Brower, Andrew V. Z. 2011. Pronophilina in The Tree of Life Web Project,
. Version 08 May 2011 (under construction).