New Genus New Species A
Richard E. Young, Caroline Sanchez, and Valerie AllainIntroduction
The single mature male was taken from the stomach of the fish Alepisaurus ferox. Nevertheless, the small squid (9.5 mm ML) was in good condition but with some damage to the eye lenses and the viscera.
Brief diagnosis:
A member of New Subfamily with ...
- Numerous (ca. 10-15) series of tiny suckers distally on arms I-III; two series of normal suckers throughout each arm IV.
- Transition from double to numerous sucker series abrupt.
- Arms
- Arms IV with two sucker series throughout arm.
- Arms I-III with biserial suckers on proximally (ca. 8 suckers), multiple series (ca. 10-15) of tiny suckers on long stalks on distal three fourths.
- Transition abrupt with 2-3 suckers of intermediate size between proximal large and suceeding small (ca. 1/5 diameter) suckers.
- Most proximal arm sucker not distinctly larger than following sucker.
- Mantle
- Fusion between mantle and head in nuchal region very narrow.
- Viscera
- Anus located well posteriorly in mantle cavity, well posterior to ventral wall of funnel.
- Anus located well posteriorly in mantle cavity, well posterior to ventral wall of funnel.
More details of the description of New Species A can be found here.
Species boundaries cannot be reliably drawn with so few specimens. However, in addition to the characters listed above, species A seems to differ from species B in its much smaller size, differences in chromatophore distribution (e. g., nuchal fusion, ventral head, fins), the more posterior position of the fins and, possibly, differences in the funnel valve.
New Species A was taken from the stomach of Alepisaurus ferox captured within the EEZ of New Caledonia on Jan. 27, 2004 at 22°29'S , 166°15'W (Sample: Palinstru03/10/2).
Title Illustrations

Scientific Name | NewSpeciesA |
Location | Off New Caledonia |
Specimen Condition | Preserved |
Sex | Male |
Life Cycle Stage | Mature |
View | Ventral |
Size | 9.5 mm ML |
Image Use |
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Copyright |
Richard E. Young
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About This Page
We would like to thank M. Pablo Chavance who collected the specimen in the frame of the research programme ZoNéCo (Zone Economique de Nouvelle-Calédonie) onboard the vessel “Dar Mad”.
Richard E. Young
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI, USA
Caroline Sanchez
Secretariat of the Pacific Community
Valerie Allain
Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia
Page copyright © 2006 Richard E. Young , Caroline Sanchez , and Valerie Allain
Page: Tree of Life
New Genus New Species A.
Authored by
Richard E. Young, Caroline Sanchez, and Valerie Allain.
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- First online 24 November 2006
- Content changed 10 December 2006
Citing this page:
Young, Richard E., Caroline Sanchez, and Valerie Allain. 2006. New Genus New Species A. Version 10 December 2006 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,