Guillardia theta | Hanusia phi
Kerstin Hoef-Emden and John M. ArchibaldIntroduction
- Guillardia described by Hill and Wetherbee; type species Guillardia theta (marine; Hill and Wetherbee 1990)
- Hanusia described by Deane et al; types species Hanusia phi (marine; Deane et al. 1998)
- Type of biliprotein: PE545
- Nucleomorph free in periplastidial space
- Light microscopy: reddish cryptophytes, one plastid with a pyrenoid
- Ultrastructure of Gullardia: sheet-like inner periplast component, longitudinal plates (SPC), gullet, non-keeled rhizostyle (Gillott and Gibbs 1983; Hill and Wetherbee 1990)
- Ultrastructure of Hanusia: sheet-like inner periplast component, rosulate scales (SPC), furrow, keeled rhizostyle (Gillott and Gibbs 1983; Deane et al. 1998)
Discussion of Phylogenetic Relationships
Since only one strain of each genus has been examined thus far, there is insufficient data to identify potential dimorphisms or inconsistencies in systematics (Marin et al. 1998; Deane et al. 2002; Hoef-Emden et al. 2002). Guillardia theta strain CCMP327 was the model cryptophyte chosen for first nuclear genome sequencing projects. Its complete nucleomorph and plastid genomes have been sequenced (Douglas and Penny 1999; Douglas et al. 2001).
Deane JA, Hill DRA, Brett SJ, McFadden GI (1998) Hanusia phi gen. et sp. nov. (Cryptophyceae): characterization of 'Cryptomonas sp. φ'. Eur. J. Phycol. 33: 149-154
Deane JA, Hill DRA, Brett SJ, McFadden GI (2002) Cryptomonad evolution: Nuclear 18S rDNA phylogeny versus cell morphology and pigmentation. J. Phycol. 38: 1236-1244
Douglas SE, Penny SL (1999) The plastid genome of the cryptophyte alga, Guillardia theta: Complete sequence and conserved synteny groups confirm its common ancestry with red algae. J. Mol. Evol. 48: 236-244
Douglas SE, Zauner S, Fraunholz M, Beaton M, Penny S, Deng LT, Wu X, Reith M, Cavalier-Smith T, Maier UG (2001) The highly reduced genome of an enslaved algal nucleus. Nature 410: 1090-1096
Gillott MA, Gibbs SP (1983) Comparison of the flagellar rootlets and periplast in two marine cryptophytes. Can. J. Bot. 61: 1964-1978
Hill DRA, Wetherbee R (1990) Guillardia theta gen. et sp. nov. (Cryptophyceae). Can. J. Bot. 68: 1873-1876
Marin B, Klingberg M, Melkonian M (1998) Phylogenetic relationships among the Cryptophyta: analyses of nuclear-encoded SSU rRNA sequences support the monophyly of extant plastid-containing lineages. Protist 149: 265-276
About This Page
This page is being developed as part of the Tree of Life Web Project Protist Diversity Workshop, co-sponsored by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) program in Integrated Microbial Biodiversity and the Tula Foundation.
Kerstin Hoef-Emden
Universität zu Köln, Köln, Germany
John M. Archibald
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Correspondence regarding this page should be directed to Kerstin Hoef-Emden at and John M. Archibald at
Page copyright © 2010 Kerstin Hoef-Emden and John M. Archibald
Page: Tree of Life
Guillardia theta | Hanusia phi.
Authored by
Kerstin Hoef-Emden and John M. Archibald.
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- First online 14 September 2008
- Content changed 14 September 2008
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Hoef-Emden, Kerstin and John M. Archibald. 2008. Guillardia theta | Hanusia phi. Version 14 September 2008 (under construction). in The Tree of Life Web Project,